At Grupo Silgest we know the importance of everyone’s commitment to sustainable development. Aware of this responsibility, our group has created its own management plan, focused on the achievement of different goals aligned with these objectives:
Social Action
All the companies that belong to Grupo Silgest have a social action policy integrated in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, which is why we collaborate with different associations, foundations and public organizations to contribute to the social development of the environment in which our headquarters are located.
Energy efficiency
Grupo Silgest has consolidated all its companies and warehouses in a single large central building to drastically reduce energy expenditure and cargo movement. Our facilities have significant savings and efficiency measures in place, allowing us to achieve significant energy savings.
“All the companies that belong to the Grupo Silgest have a social action policy integrated in their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.”

We take advantage of the grouping of cargo by means of high-capacity means of transport.
Sustainable Logistics
Taking into account the high impact that logistics has on our business, our group has set itself the objective of “transporting more, polluting less”, hence, when faced with different options, we always give priority to the least polluting route or means of transport, also taking advantage of the grouping of cargo or the optimization of distribution.
Finally, all these commitments have been consolidated with the implementation in the Grupo Silgest, La Herramienta Industrial, Pertesa, and Toolquip Trading Namibia, of an Environmental Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard. The implementation of this standard has allowed us to systematize in a coherent way, the management of resources and waste, and in general to reduce the environmental impact generated in each of the activities we develop.
The management team and the workers that make up the Grupo Silgest are aware that only with everyone’s commitment will the environmental impact derived from the activity be reduced.